I celebrate my life today

                Angeline Zimbwani Mikiri 

When I look back to see the road that I have travelled.I only thank God for being alive today. I celebrate the favour of God, I celebrate the journey of grace. There was a time when I could not explain what was happening to me. My feet failed me. I was taken to hospital when I couldn't walk. Doctors failed to see what was wrong with me. I found grace and got another chance. God healed me. I celebrate every moment I have in life realizing that it's not out of my will, but God who has made me realise his mercy on me.

 Losing parents at a very young age. When i thought my life would soon end because of the emotional pain that I had to go through. I celebrate the resilience, the audacity, and the faith that pushes me to pull through in spite of adversities. I celebrate the passion in me to discover the greatness in others and the heart to serve. In spite of my imperfections, I celebrate  knowing the little things that I do make a great impact in other people. For the years that I have lived on earth, I have realised that giving what you  have makes a great impact.  If you have time give it, If you have love give love, if you can smile, give it, if you have hope give hope. When you are empowered, empower others.  What you know teach others.  This world is going to be a better place when we learn to touch lives in different forms. When you hug a brother who is going through pain and share a message of hope. When you assure that lady who has suffered rejection, that joy will come in the morning.  When you are there for that guy who almost committed suicide because he felt that nobody loved him. When you take time to listen to those who are broken hearted. There were times I felt I had no reason to live. When I felt I was not loved. Times I felt I was useless, but God raised that hope.As I have been added another year. It is an opportunity to give thanks and proclaim the goodness of God. It is a chance to introspect and be thankful.  I have friends who died in their early years, siblings that departed, I know i will leave this earth one day but the reason why God spared me is the reason why I am celebrating today.I celebrate those who see value in the things that I do and add more value to it. I celebrate the recognition that I get from those far and wide. Moreover, I celebrate God for making me see another day that I was born.  Happy birthday to me


  1. You have really made an impact in the lives of the girl child and women.God bless you

  2. You are a star Angie. God will bless you abundantly. Keep up the wonderful work.

  3. So touching and emotional hey


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