
Showing posts from April, 2024

The elephant that will block your success” __The miracle of the little boy's lunch

By Strive Masiyiwa  The most powerful principle to drive entrepreneurship that I've ever heard came from the late evangelist TL Osborn who often said to his listeners: “If you really want to be successful, find a human need and reach out to fulfill it”. Sounds simple but it is truly profound. I used to think my platform was read only by Africans only to find that everywhere I went, the message was resonating. Take the example a few weeks ago I shared here about the young Indian technology entrepreneur, Dr Sampriti Bhattacharyya, who asked me to come and see her innovation when I was in the US recently. Her innovation was not just about water transportation; she was primarily trying to address the very real challenge of Climate Change as maritime transport has one of the biggest carbon footprints. Elon Musk is one of the richest men in the world, not because he designed a cool car but he designed a car which addresses the human [and humanity's] need to deal with Climate Change.

Dont discuss your business plans in public- Strive Masiyiwa

Strive Masiyiwa, the Executive Chairman & Founder of the Econet Group, has advised entrepreneurs to desist from discussing their business plans or pre-empting their strategies in public. Writing on his Face book Page which gives business tips to entrepreneurs, Masiyiwa said never ever open your mouth about what you are doing in public because you risk giving your competitors an aided advantage . “Many years ago I was on a flight, and sitting there I listened to two guys in front of me speaking in hushed tones. As I listened carefully, I realized they were from a competitor company discussing a very interesting opportunity that I had not heard about! Wow! “As soon as I got off the plane I did two things: First of all, I moved in quickly and took over that deal from right under their nose. To this day, they don't know what happened! No regrets on my part, those were fools, wrote Masiyiwa. The businessman said he always advise his people to never, ever, open their mouth about what

I celebrate my life today

                Angeline Zimbwani Mikiri  When I look back to see the road that I have travelled.I only thank God for being alive today. I celebrate the favour of God, I celebrate the journey of grace. There was a time when I could not explain what was happening to me. My feet failed me. I was taken to hospital when I couldn't walk. Doctors failed to see what was wrong with me. I found grace and got another chance. God healed me. I celebrate every moment I have in life realizing that it's not out of my will, but God who has made me realise his mercy on me.  Losing parents at a very young age. When i thought my life would soon end because of the emotional pain that I had to go through. I celebrate the resilience, the audacity, and the faith that pushes me to pull through in spite of adversities. I celebrate the passion in me to discover the greatness in others and the heart to serve. In spite of my imperfections, I celebrate  knowing the little things that I do make a great impa

Eben Hardware extends training in Mwenezi

The much awaited poultry training in Mwenezi is set for the 5th of April at Mwenezi Rural District Council Hall,Neshuro growth point in Mwenezi. Benonia Machavuda, who is the director for Eben Hardware, highlighted that "those who want to venture into massive poultry breeding are welcome to attend this one day workshop.  " We have experts from Fivet, Ministry of Agriculture under the Department of Veterinary Services. They will talk about animal disease control and vaccination. We are going to have bankers who will  present on  financial inclusion. Business Experts to highlight how poultry farmers can explore markets and create synergies on how to come up with a profitable poultry business.  We also welcome young farmers and those who want to start the poultry business to attend. This is the 3rd training to be conducted by Eben Hardware.The last 2 trainings were held in Masvingo town and since then we have opened a branch in Mwenezi, it is crucial to come and offer training t