
Showing posts from December, 2023

Ngomahuru Patients Receive Christmas Cheer Amidst Dire Conditions

By Kumbirayi Maguta *Masvingo, Zimbabwe*  - In a heartwarming display of community spirit, Helping Hand and the Sibongile Manungo Foundation brought festive cheer to Ngomahuru Hospital patients in Masvingo District this week. However, the visit also shed light on the hospital's critical challenges, including drug abuse prevalence and resource shortages. The organizations hosted a heartfelt Christmas party, providing food and entertainment to patients and staff. The event offered a much-needed respite, but it couldn't mask the underlying issues plaguing the facility. A staggering 80% of Ngomahuru's 121 patients are reportedly struggling with drug addiction, with men forming the majority. The hospital faces critical shortages of medication and qualified healthcare workers, further compounding the challenges. Limited accommodation forces the hospital to discharge patients prematurely, jeopardizing their recovery. Despite accepting all ages free of charge, Ngomahuru relies sole

In love with Masai children

By Prof Ken Mufuka (PhD) While I was scheduled to make one presentation at the conference, I found myself in dire straits, pleading with the Holy Spirit to put words in my mouth.  Two Masai girls, Neema (6) and Sharma (13), the little one acting as the children’s secretary and the older girl acting as director called on the “Professor from the US to share a few words for children.”  I must have risen to the occasion because when I announced my farewell, the children cried. “Oh, Papa is going away. And he has brought us some clothes.”  They asked the archbishop if they could sing a farewell song. But wait for this.  But wait for this. The secretary hurriedly wrote a letter, wishing me a “save (yes save journey).” Having no money or anything of value to give to one traveling a long journey, they plucked some wildflowers from Masai Mara (where buffaloes, elephants, and zebras graze) and put them in an envelope for me to remember them by. Now, I too was in tears. God has been merciful to