
Showing posts from July, 2023

High level career Expo set for Panyanda

The Panyanda Lifestyle Park, will tomorrow host an Inaugural Masvingo Career Expo  (Friday 28 July 2023) under the theme, “Harnessing the Potential of Youth in Zimbabwe”. The Expo will also host a high-level dialogue and engagement platform that seeks to find ways of putting into practice known and novel strategies of making informed career development choices to catapult the Masvingo youth on the right career development path.  Veteran Public Relations and Communication expert  who is also the Coordinator for the Carrier Guidance Expo Priscilla Zvobgo highlighted that ‘the career options which exist for today’s youth are many and varied and this has seen young people working to accumulate education, qualifications and skills that will position them to find decent work.  However, rapid changes in demand for labor (due to automation, digitalization, globalization, population ageing, the green transition, and the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic) makes decision-making about educatio