
Showing posts from February, 2023

The pain of seeking validation

Angeline Zimbwani Mikiri  When I was growing I used to stammer a lot. I had some challenges in expressing myself. This gave me so much discomfort especially the moment I tried to express myself with friends at school. I would end up being silent. I would envy other people speaking with eloquence while I struggled to utter a sentence. This would get even worse when someone angered me whilst I am trying to make a point or explain something. Despite the fact that I was a bright student in school, the fact that I had speech impediment made my interaction with people so difficult. My mind told me that I could not do much as long as I had a challenge in expressing myself. I would get angry when it got worse to the extent that I would end up crying. Many people thought I was a quiet person rather I feared people would laugh at me, in case I fail to express myself. I feared people would not be patient enough to wait until I finish my statement. I feared I would not accepted by people. In order

Steel it Steel Centre comes of age

File picture  When it comes to steel hardware is come to Hardware look no further. Steel it Steel it Centre caters for such needs at your convenient. Established 2018 under the Zimbabwe registrar of companies Act. The entity trades as STEEL IT STEEL CENTRE (SISC). The arm is primarily premised on delivering ultimate solutions to all clientele steel products and requirements solutions. The organization intends to be of service to all that is from individuals to multi-corporation companies. SISC is determined at being a sole supplier of steel products, adviser on steel products together with engineering and construction services within the steel industry. They have a complete set of qualified, professional and competent-highly innovative staff. Client satisfaction is their inspiration as a team. Steel it Steels motto is inspired to satisfy client’s needs. Their vision is aimed at being a competent, professional and upmarket supplier or provider of steel products and services. ‘The Steel