
Showing posts from January, 2022

Former students transforms Mukundi school

Former Mukundi students transforms the school A group of former students took upon themselves to develop Mukundi Primary in Nerupiri , Gutu . In 2019.,Former members of Mukundi school, Jacob Masunda , Obert Chiramba ( late) , Christina Ndawi , Edwin Murwira & Mrs Zivanai ( school head ) formed the diaspora group. More members later joined and have contributed towards this cause.. ( installation of the electric and solar). These are Mrs Juliet Zivanai ( School Head) Jacob Masunda ( Coordinator) Michael Mashingaidze ( Vice Coordinator) Christina Ndawi ( Treasurer) Edwin Murwira (Secretary) Dewira ( installation) Lonely Mutema Gift Zenda Zvidzai Mapingire Benias Mapingire Fiona Mudzamba Lovemore Mudzamba Amon Mauto Happiness Mudzamba The purpose of this group was to mobilize funds for the purchase and installation of solar system and purchase computers . The pictures and videos attached depict and tell a better story about what has transpired from the delivery of the panels and invete

Women Entrepreneurship Hub transforms women

By Angeline Zimbwani Mikiri It’s a group of 256 women who have so much in common, that is transforming livelihoods through engaging in various business skills. The Hub has kept women busy in the sense that not only women are doing business but they are being inspired each day through their day to day activities. The Hub consists of cross border traders, online traders, exporters, importers, farmers, miners, manufacturers of household goods, those in catering business, real estate gurus, transporters, those in the energy sector, pharmacists, hoteliers, engineers senior officials in the cooperate sector and government. The Hub is a market place of ideas. Inspite the hub being the market place of ideas there are challenges that affect the growth of business among women. Majority of women are running their businesses but why is it that there is limited growth in women? Ms Prisca Mazhindu laments a cause for concern for women entrepreneurs to support each another, We must must develop cul

I had no choice but to face my fears

By Angeline Zimbwani Mikiri. The beginning of 2021 was marred by a number of challenges, from family to business. It was a year that started with uncertainties which when I look back I see the grace of God. Those who were close can attest to what I am saying but that is a story of another day. When the covid 19 pandemic came we thought it was a flue that would just passed through, however with time we later realized we had to live with it. Like any other family I was negatively affected by the pandemic where I lost very close members of my family to covid pandemic. It was a horrendous situation which was very hard to bear. I later got tested positive with covid 19. To make matters worse I was with my 2 girls Makomborero (12) and Mazvita (10). I cannot even explain the physical and the emotional pain I went through. I would like to pay tribute to my 2 little daughters for taking good care of me during that time. When I broke the news to them I thought they would get scared and a