
Showing posts from September, 2020

Mutimurefu Prison comes of age

Mutimurefu Prison comes of age By Angeline Zimbwani Mikiri   What comes to mind when one hears of a prison is crime and prisoners. A lot of stigma is associated with that.    I had an extraordinary opportunity to interact with prison officials and found out that a prison is a correctional institution, where the inmates can come out with skills that can enable them to be fully rehabilitated into society after serving their sentences.   When someone is convicted most people think it’s the end of the road, but on the contrary, to some it’s the beginning of a new life, as people will begin to realise their flaws and begin to reform.   I caught up with Officer Commanding Masvingo Province, Senior Assistant Commissioner Ndanga, who said that, “Members of the public must begin to appreciate the role played by ZPCS (Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Services).It is high time people support the institution.”   When I go there I witnessed a number of projects being undertak

In Pursuit of Greatness

 Earth has not anything to show more fair than Nyanga                                                     By Angie Zimbwani Mikiri  I spent a week in in Nyanga and little did I know the grandeur and breath taking beauty of its’ Flora and Fauna that would captivate my eyes. The experience made me realize that little is known about Zimbabwe and the world has yet to fully appreciate its natural endowments. I realized that William Wordsworth’s words in his poem Composed Upon West Minister Bridge describing London were more befitting to Nyanga. Indeed:”Earth has not anything to show more fair:/Dull would he be of soul who could pass by/A sight so touching in its majesty:/…/The beauty of the morning; silent, bare,/…/All bright and glittering in the smokeless air./Never did sun more beautifully steep/In his first splendour, valley, rock, or hill;/Ne'er saw I, never felt, a calm so deep!/The river glideth at his own sweet will:/Dear God! …  Dear God, indeed, “the beauty of the morning” and