Take charge of your life, master your own destiny

Many people are failing to maximize their potential because of negative influence from their social circles. However the truth of life is, what ultimately determines your destiny is neither your environment nor other people, but you.

The world has so many negatives and the positives are also several. The world is also teeming with impossibilities and possibilities. What is important is that you're your own perception. It is not about the way you were raised, or the environment you were raised in, but in my opinion it's about taking charge of your life.

When one is in charge it means he or she is in full control of his or her life. It means one is in control of external and internal forces. It means no amount of intimidation can stop one to take charge of his or her own life. Taking charge means you have the audacity to move against the wind, despite the discomfort. It means leaving the comfort zone and facing the dominating factors of the society. It also means that you are responsible for the transformation and change that you desire despite current circumstances.

I have seen many women and men who think that they cannot do it simply because of the social, political, financial adversities in this world. I have seen people who are grounded thinking that they cannot go higher, because of circumstances, yet what they fail to realise is their potential. You have to be firm to stand up and stay put and begin to influence the world.

I have read and heard of so many great women and men who were nonentities, but because of their determination and self belief they became famous and began to influence the world. Never be intimated by anything in life no matter how big it is, you have to maintain your stance and remain in charge. The story of David in the bible is one that I always make reference to.

Despite being a young man who was ordinary in the eyes of man, in the eyes of God he was a great man. Where he stayed and where he spent his life in the beginning had nothing to do with what he was going to be in the future. To everyone in his life, he was just a shepherd and a music player but he was more than that, he was a king in the making.

The character of Goliath is synonymous with some characters we know in our lives. The indomitable characters who dominates in everything. When we look at such characters we tend to think that they are invincible. We always think they are the ones that are born to dominate. When we read the story of David and Goliath it tells us no matter what was in Goliath, he was dressed down.

What is the Goliath of your life, who is the Goliath, where is your Goliath, how is your Goliath? Regardless of what the world say about your life it remains their opinion. What is your opinion about your life.? Who do you think you are? Is it because you have been rejected? Is it because you have failed a job interview? Is it because you have been divorced? Is it because you have been betrayed? Is it because you lost your contract? Is it because you feel you are not loved?

 Whatever the case may be you need to remain in charge of your life and prove to the world that even if you are scared you can come out and get back on track again. Never let people define you because they will confine you. Step out there and take charge of your life.


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